We are delighted to welcome our latest staff member Claire Furnell-Williams to the team as our Head of Customer Success.
Claire will be working closely with you to ensure your project needs are being met, that we are keeping on track with our proven client relationships and ensuring our client satisfaction rate remains at its current high rate.
Many of you will be speaking with Claire on a regular basis and we’re sure you will join us in making her feel welcome.
We’ve known Claire for a number of years in her role as Chair of Trustees for Dacorum Community Trust and at Hemel Hempstead Business Ambassadors and we couldn’t be happier that she has joined us.
If you’re looking for Claire at the weekends you’ll most likely find her behind the wheel of a vintage car, racing at various venues across the UK. She’s also host at a monthly local pub quiz so if you want to join us in the newly formed Brash Pub Quiz team let us know!
Welcome Claire.