At Brash we take cyber security very seriously and we’ve recently seen a sharp increase in fake emails that are being circulated in an attempt to trick people into transferring money via bank transfers. These recent campaigns appear to be particularly targeted and sophisticated with emails that appear to be from Directors, being sent to the accounts teams, asking for immediate payments to a new beneficiary. The other is emails advising that a supplier has changed their bank Account. Each time there appears to be a valid invoice attachment and the email appears to be sent from somebody within the company.
To help ensure you don’t fall into the trap bear these checks in mind:
- Always question making payments or setting up new payments. You will most likely be aware of any large outgoings and always have the conversation with anyone asking you to make a payment. Never reply via email, as these get sent to fake addresses, even when they look correct.
- Check for spelling mistakes, incorrect or poor grammar. In every example we have come across, when you take a step back and re-read the email, you soon start to see the difference in the way the email has been written and small mistakes.
- Be aware of clicking on any links within emails – they are often disguised as links to T&Cs, Unsubscribe here or hidden behind images. Clicking on links in emails is the most common way to be infected by a virus. If ever in doubt, open a web browser independently and use an internet search.
- Another common theme is the emails will ask for immediate action to be taken, rushing the receiver into not taking the time to check or find out more information. If somebody is requesting a large amount of money, they will be happy to wait a bit.
- If any doubt, it is always safer to check – but always check via a different communication method.