MBS Workplace Environments

Project summary

MBS server removal

MBS were one of our last clients with emails still running on a bulky, noisey server in the office. Located in Pitstone, Buckinghamshire, the nature of their site meant power cuts and internet outages were frequent, and this was affecting their email flow. When the server couldn’t operate, the emails were not being delivered. 

We engaged with them in a process of identifying what roles the server was carrying out, and how these could be migrated to Cloud environments, and the Windows server being turned off. Once suitable solutions were identified for each, it was a matter of putting our tried and tested project plans into action. As we have completed a number of jobs to remove servers, we started in good position to carry out the necessary migrations quickly. Utilising our Out of Hours support technician, a member of team on site and more in the office, we could coordinate all aspects of the move in a few days, in two different phases. 

Projects highlights

No expensive, complex server

As a small business, the cost of replacing out of date server hardware can be quite overwhelming. We supported our client with moving away from the traditional server environment, removing the bulky equipment and replacing with a low-cost, low operating Network Attached Storage device. This ran the key functions of the server, saves and syncs data as well as being a fraction of the price.

Cloud Based Email

We also moved the emails from the server to The Cloud, greatly improving functionality and availability. With the emails hosted offsite, there is a lot less reliance on having a complex email server running in the corner of a busy office.

Cloud Data

We also migrated large amounts of data to The Cloud, again in order to help remote access and provide greater easier backups. These could be automated, rather than staff changing USB drives on a regular occurrence.

The Brief

  • Save money!  
  • Take steps to making the IT Infrastructure more reliable, more robust and available from home if required.  
  • Engage with our client on the right solution for their business and budget. 
  • Improve their day to day IT experience 

KEY Outcomes

  • Better email system, lots more space, easier to configure, manage and higher availability. 
  • Increase availability of IT resources to enable remote working if required. 
  • A successful project that was carried out with only a couple of days onsite and minimal disruption 

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